Bernat Font-Clos

Retreat Leader

I am a meditation teacher trainee and a postgraduate researcher at the University of Bristol. My dissertation explores the nature of feeling tone (vedanā) and, more specifically, the role of pleasant feeling tones and positive affect in early Buddhist literature. I lead meditation activities online, in Spain,...

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Marion Furr

Co-Director Teaching & Training. Teacher, Trainer & Supervisor

I am professionally qualified as an Occupational Psychologist and until 2016, was Director of Ministerial Business and Parliamentary Accountability at the UK Department of Health (DH) and Chair of the DH Staff Health and Wellbeing programme. After training to teach MBSR/MBCT at Bangor University and Oxford...

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Sheila Gill

Teacher and Mentor

I am an associate teacher with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) and on the UK register of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT teachers).  I completed the master’s degree in MBCT at Oxford University in 2014. I worked as a psychological therapist for over twenty years in an NHS primary care context...

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Robert Hawkes

Mentor for Teachers in Training

Firstly, my ‘core profession’ is a occupational therapist; a wonderful role enabling the individual to return to ‘function’ after a period of illness, disease or injury. A major feature of OT is helping a person to find and maintain ‘balance’ within life. As an experienced occupational therapist I...

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Debbie Hu

Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor - Chinese Programmes

I am the Chief of the Psychiatric Department at the Tainan Municipal Hospital in Taiwan. I specialise in child and adolescent psychiatry and psycho-oncology. I am also a university lecturer. My interest in mindfulness began in 2012 when I started...

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Alex Irving


I hold a Masters degree in Teaching Mindfulness Based Approaches from Bangor University and am registered to teach with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches. In addition to my mindfulness training I have a background in Osteopathy with a Masters Degree in Pain Science. What do...

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Marie Johansson

Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor

I am a qualified Social Worker, graduating from University of Umea, Sweden in 1979, when I moved to the UK. In 2006, I met Professor Mark Williams and began my training as an MBCT Teacher. I was then invited to join Mark’s team and became involved in developing the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC). I worked initially as part...

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Gill Johnson


I am a mindfulness teacher with a special interest in what encourages and supports people to continue with formal and informal mindfulness practice after the 8-week course.  My master’s thesis for the MA in Mindfulness-Based Approaches at Bangor University addressed the potential of interest as a skilful...

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Claire Kelly

Co-Director Teaching & Training. Teacher, Trainer & Supervisor

I am a teacher of MBCT and MBSR, having trained at the University of Oxford and Bangor respectively.  I have taught mindfulness to adults in a range of settings, including the NHS, Multi-Academy Trusts, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, to clinical and educational psychologists, in...

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