A Life Well-lived: Mindfulness for Life in 12 Chapters – Guest Talk Series

Following the September launch of Professor Willem Kuyken’s new book, “Mindfulness for Life”, we’re delighted to offer a chapter by chapter taster exploring the book.…

About the event

Following the September launch of Professor Willem Kuyken’s new book, “Mindfulness for Life”, we’re delighted to offer a chapter by chapter taster exploring the book.

Over 12, monthly Tuesday evening sessions, 19:00 – 20:00 (UK Time) we’ll follow each chapter and explore how the ideas and practices can help us live well in today’s complex world. There’ll be opportunities for questions and answers.

You only need to make one application to attend the whole series or any of the individual talks. You may also register part-way through to join the remainder of the series. Each session will be recorded and catch up podcasts and YouTube videos will be available a few days after the talk. We’ll announce on social media when they’re released.

Applications will close two hours before each talk and joining instructions will be emailed before the event.

The dates and themes are:

  • 17/09/2024 Wake Up!
  • 15/10/2024 Pay Attention!
  • 19/11/2024 Coming Home to Our Bodies
  • 17/12/2024 Appreciating the Life we Have
  • 21/01/2025 Our Most Important Natural Resource: Our “Body-Mind”
  • 18/02/2025 How We React to Stress and Difficulties
  • 18/03/2025 Befriending Our Minds
  • 15/04/2025 Perspective: Changing the View
  • 20/05/2025 Responding Wisely
  • 17/06/2025 Cool Head and Warm Heart: the Art of Balance and Equanimity
  • 15/07/2025 Living Well: Taking Care of Ourselves, Our Relationships and the World
  • 19/08/2025 A Life Well Lived

A note on timezones:
On 31st October, UK time changes and goes back an hour as we move from BST to GMT (19:00pm becomes 18:00pm)
On 30th March 2025, UK time changes from GMT to BST and our clocks go forward one hour.
The guest talks will continue to be delivered at 19:00 – 20:00 UK time.

The talks are free to access and are open to everyone with a general interest in this topic.

The book is available to order in North America here and to pre-order in the United Kingdom here

What does the guest talk include?

The events will include informative talks from Willem and may include light mindfulness practices.

What you’ll learn

You’ll hear about the book, key themes and practices.



Tue 19 November 2024

19:00 – 20:00 UK Time

1 hour, Tuesdays

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