The Mindfulness Network

The Mindfulness Network first began as a Community Interest Company in 2012, formed by Alison Evans and Willem Kuyken, who were both at Exeter University. They were joined later by Rebecca Crane, Cindy Cooper and Sharon Hadley who were (at the time) based at Bangor University. Alison and Rebecca continued with the evolution of the organisation which was re-formed as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in April 2018. Registered Number: 1177800.

Mindfulness-based supervision has always been a core strand in mindfulness, the Mindfulness Network recruit supervisors who meet stringent guidelines and have completed specific supervision training. The Mindfulness Netowkr have strong partnerships with Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) and Oxford Mindfulness to provide supervisors for trainees undertaking mindfulness teacher training

We have partnered with the Mindfulness Network as a recommended organisation for supervision. Their supervisors meet not only The British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA)’s Good Practice Guidelines for Supervisors but also their own additional stringent requirements.

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