Support our mission
Fundraise or make a donation to our charity, The Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, and support improved mental health and greater well-being.
With your support, we can continue our mission to increase access to research-based mindfulness to all areas of society, helping people achieve greater well-being and improved mental health. Together, we can make a positive difference in our communities and in our lives.

Together, we’re making a positive difference
Our charity’s work has included the delivery of free online meditation sessions, information sessions and guest talks – providing a welcoming space for people to maintain their mindfulness practice and sharing knowledge with our community. It has provided bursaries for those in financial need and supported world-leading academic research. Since 2021, we have had:
Over 13,000
registrations for our online meditation sessions
Over 6,700
places taken across our guest talks
Over 4,990
registrations for our information sessions
Fundraise for positive mental health and well-being
Whether you’re ready to take on an active challenge or would like to lead a nourishing and restful mindfulness retreat, find out more about how you can support positive mental health and greater well-being by making it a fundraising event for our charity.
“Thank you… there really aren’t words to describe what an incredible gift you have given me.“

Mindfulness for Life 8-week course
Featured fundraisers
Make a donation
With your help, we can make a positive difference in our communities and in our lives. Your donation will help us to support world-leading academic research to review the evidence-base for mindfulness as well as providing access to mindfulness training.
Whether you’d like to make a one-off donation or more regularly, we’re grateful for any amount you’re able to give.

Thank you to our donors who have raised or gifted over £50,000
Large donations enable significant projects to advance the reach and impact of our work. To discuss project ideas and making a large donation please email our CEO, Sharon Hadley:
Website and Communications
In 2024, The Sir John Ritblat Family Foundation supported the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation with a new communications programme which included the development of a brand new website.
The Oxford Mindfulness App
With the support of the Visual Snow Initiative, we were able to develop the new Oxford Mindfulness App, increasing accessibility to mindfulness training and providing collaborators and workplaces with a new means of supporting the well-being of their teams and communities.
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