Katia Wellausen Picada

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About me

I am originally from Brazil but living in Canada for 28 years. I have 37 years of experience in being an Application Developer. My mindfulness journey started in February 2017 by attending one session of the True Peace Toronto. It is a group of mindfulness practitioners who meet to practice and learn mindfulness meditation together. Their practice is based on the Zen Buddhist teachings of the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh. As part of this journey, in 2020 I started leading mindfulness practices at my workplace. In May 2022, I had the privilege of attending the mindfulness teacher training program offered by the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, Oxford University, UK. And I received the trained teacher certificate in November 2023. Being working for corporations, I know how stressful it sometimes is. My intention is sharing with people what I learned about mindfulness creating a space for them to learn how to deal with stressful moments in life and, consequently, improving their quality of life.


Mindfulness for Life and Introducing Mindfulness

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