Vincy, Che Weng Si

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About me

Vincy, Che Weng-Si Who am I? I live in Macau China with my family, My Chinese name is 謝頴思 (Che Weng Si). People usually call me Vincy. I am a Mindfulness teacher with psychology education background. As well as teaching MBSR, MBCT-L and MBCL in groups and 1-1. What I do? I lead different mindfulness groups in Macau regularly for general public, school communities and helping professionals. I mainly teach MBSR, MBCT-L and MBCL. I also with share Mindfulness in School courses for kids, schoolteachers and parents as well as Paws b and Dob b (MiSP curriculum). I usually teach in Cantonese. Mandarin sometimes. “It is a joy and privilege to connects with mindfulness teachers worldwide to ensure support by each other with wisdom and compassion.”



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