For U.S. Donors
We have collaborated with the team at Americans for Oxford who support us in processing tax-deductible contributions. To donate from the U.S, please ensure you notify the team at Americans for Oxford that you would like your donation to be sent to the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation (guidance below):
Tax-deductible contributions may be made by giving to Americans for Oxford, Inc. Gifts may be sent to:
Americans for Oxford, Inc.
Attn: Mr. Neil Simpkins, Chairman
500 Fifth Avenue, 32nd Floor
New York, NY 10110
Tel: (212) 377-4900
Fax: (212) 889-4052
Americans for Oxford, Inc. has been determined by the United States Internal Revenue Service to qualify, under sections 501 (c) (3) and 509 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, as a tax-exempt public charity to which tax-deductible contributions may be made.
To maintain the deductible status of gifts, U.S. law requires that the Board of Directors retain control and discretion concerning grants to Oxford. Although gifts to Americans for Oxford, Inc. must be unrestricted, the Board of Directors will certainly consider specific preferences of donors.
Therefore, in a letter accompanying a contribution or in a pledge letter establishing a multi-year commitment for a designated purpose, the language must be non-binding. Sample wording is as follows:
- It is my preference that the contribution be used for the benefit of Oxford Mindfulness Foundation OR
- I hope the Board will apply my contribution to Oxford Mindfulness Foundation OR
- I wish the money to be used for Oxford Mindfulness Foundation OR
- I would like/prefer that the money be used for Oxford Mindfulness Foundation
Upon receipt of a gift, Americans for Oxford, Inc. will acknowledge the contribution in writing. Effective January 1, 1994, the Internal Revenue Code requires organizations to acknowledge contributions in writing and to state that they provided no goods or services in consideration for the gift.
Upon receipt of a gift, Americans for Oxford, Inc. will acknowledge the contribution in writing. Effective January 1, 1994, the Internal Revenue Code requires organizations to acknowledge contributions in writing and to state that they provided no goods or services in consideration for the gift.
It is important that the acknowledgement letter be kept with the donor’s tax records. The charitable deduction may be disallowed if you are unable to provide the acknowledgement to the Internal Revenue Service upon request.
Ways of Giving
Cash Gift
Checks should be made payable to Americans for Oxford, Inc.
Credit Card
Gifts to Americans for Oxford, Inc. may be charged to the donor’s Visa, MasterCard, or American Express card. Please include the account name, billing address, credit card number, expiration date, amount of gift and preferred recipient. Please do not send credit card details via e-mail; post, courier and fax are acceptable.
Online Gift
Visit to make a gift online.
Wire Transfer
A wire transfer may be directed to Americans for Oxford, Inc. Please contact to retrieve the relevant account details.
Gift of Securities or Property
A gift of appreciated securities or property may offer significant tax advantages. Please direct inquiries concerning these types of gifts to Americans for Oxford, Inc. at to retrieve the relevant account details.
Corporate Matching Gift
Americans for Oxford, Inc. can accept all tax-deductible contributions from corporate matching gift programs.
Thank you for considering a gift to Oxford Mindfulness. If you have any questions or need further information, please email the Oxford Team in the UK via or contact Americans for Oxford, Inc via (212) 377-4900 or e-mail
Bequests can be made to Americans for Oxford, Inc. benefiting Oxford Mindfulness.
We strongly advise you to consult with your attorney so that your will is legally sound and in compliance with federal and state laws governing charitable gifts.
There are different forms of bequests, requiring exact language, examples of which are provided below:
An Outright Bequest
“I give and bequeath to Americans for Oxford, Inc. for the benefit of ‘Oxford Mindfulness’ the sum of _ dollars exclusively for its charitable and educational purposes.”
A Residuary Bequest
“All (or _%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate which I may own or be entitled to at the time of my death, I give, devise and bequeath to Americans for Oxford, Inc. for the benefit of Oxford Mindfulness exclusively for its charitable and educational purposes.”
A Bequest of Property
Some forms of property have uses that may make them valuable to Oxford Mindfulness in their present form. Others may be of greater value to Oxford Mindfulness if it sells them and uses the proceeds for endowment. Suggested language for a Bequest of Property is provided below:
“I hereby give my (full description of item and location) to Americans for Oxford, Inc. for the benefit of Oxford Mindfulness exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. If, after diligent evaluation of the property, it appears to be impractical to maintain the property for educational purposes, I authorize the sale or disposition of the property at their sole discretion.”
Other forms of bequests are also possible, for example:
A Contingent Bequest
A Contingent Bequest stipulates that Oxford Mindfulness will receive a portion of the estate only if one or more of the beneficiaries fail to survive you.
A Testamentary Trust
A Testamentary Trust is established by Will at the time of death and uses all or a portion of the estate to care for one or more beneficiaries. Upon the death of the surviving beneficiaries, the principal passes to Oxford Mindfulness.
Please consult with your attorney to ensure that your will is legally sound and in compliance with federal and state laws governing charitable gifts.
Many thanks for your kind support of our work at Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, all gifts are very gratefully received and support us to work towards our mission to support mindful well-being through education, courses and training – benefitting the individual, others around us and the wider world.
Kind regards,

Sharon Grace Hadley
Chief Executive Officer
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