I’m the Development Director – Training and Curricula for Oxford Mindfulness. I’m also a member of the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) Curriculum Development Group. I have an academic background in Psychology (MA Oxon). Most of my working life was spent in a business context, where I specialised in human potential and flourishing. Alongside work life, I’ve been practising meditation since the 1970s, and attended many long retreats both as a retreatant and retreat supervisor.
As the Development Director – Training and Curricula I hold a strategic role in advising and developing training and curricula. Additionally, I lead Oxford Mindfulness’ work in identifying excellence in trainee teachers and providing apprenticeship guidance for future teachers and trainers who will lead MBCT implementation worldwide. I work closely with various field leading organisations and colleagues including Willem Kuyken, Ritblat Professor of Mindfulness and Psychological Science at the University of Oxford, with whom I jointly developed the ‘Taking it Further’ course (for those who have already completed an 8-week course and want to go further) and the new 3-session ‘Introducing Mindfulness’ course (for those who are interested in mindfulness but not yet ready to commit to a full 8-week course).
In support of Oxford Mindfulness’ aim to increase accessibility and improve lives through mindfulness and the practice of being mindful, I work closely with the Chief Executive Officer to identify and develop international collaborations.
“It’s hard to convey what a pleasure and privilege it is to be working in an international organisation of excellence, with wonderful people.“

Alison Yiangou
Development Director – Training and Curricula. Teacher, Trainer & Supervisor