I’m a mindfulness teacher, trainer and supervisor and a Registered Mental Health Nurse with a background in community mental health nursing. I’m interested in widening the provision of MBCT and mindfulness-based approaches to people who experience barriers in accessing groups.
I teach MBSR and MBCT to NHS and homelessness sector staff groups and teach MBCT-L on behalf of Oxford Mindfulness. I’m also one of the teacher trainers. I’ve been working on mindfulness projects in the criminal justice sector which have been partly funded by the OMF’s accessibility fund. We have offered MBCT based groups to men in prison and to prison staff and MBCT teacher training to a multi-disciplinary group of staff from several prisons.
I’ve a special interest in facilitating mindfulness groups for people experiencing distressing psychosis and I work one day a week as a mental health nurse in a pan London homelessness team.
I really value meeting people from diverse backgrounds and countries in my Oxford Mindfulness work and learning from inspiring colleagues.
“The Oxford Mindfulness community are encouraging, supportive and inspirational and I’m privileged to be an associate of the organisation.“

Andy Phee
Teacher and Trainer