I’m a curious human being going through the cycles of life who has had the opportunities and blessings to encounter psychology, mindfulness and depths of ancient wisdom. I delight in bringing together the strengths that tap into the well-being within each one of us.
Facilitate MBCT groups and support the awareness of mindfulness in the community (public, schools, university, workplaces, hospitals) through offering introductory and integrative workshops based on needs.
Being motivated by the benefits that integrating mindfulness has gifted to my life and the lives of many who have attended. Recognising that cultivating awareness may be a skill that is as fundamental to breathing to keep our body alive, as to keep our mind well.
I remain open to working in various countries e.g. with Mindfulness Works, New Zealand and Australia facilitating and mentoring new facilitators, Shan You Counselling Centre in Singapore, and free-lance through Nature and Nurture Sparks wherever there are requests. I serve as a bridge for Oxford Mindfulness services to reach the community around the world.
“I’m a curious human being going through the cycles of life who has had the opportunities and blessings to encounter psychology, mindfulness and depths of ancient wisdom.“

Ee Lin Ong
Teacher and Trainer