I’m a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Approaches and Insight Meditation. I started to practice meditation in 1995 and trained with Christina Feldman at Gaia House, before starting to lead retreats in 2007. I have masters degrees in Buddhist Studies, Philosophy and Teaching Mindfulness-Based Approaches, and certificates of competency in both MBSR and MBCT from Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice.
I lead retreats with a range of organisations including Gaia House, Mindfulness Network, Nottinghamshire NHS Trust, and Bodhi College. I’m part of the training team at Brussels Mindfulness and teach MBSR and MBCT near my home in Nottingham.
“It’s delightful to be part of the work Oxford Mindfulness is doing to bring together modern science and wisdom traditions to support mental health and human flourishing.“

Jake Dartington
Retreat Lead