I’m currently a tutor on the MSt in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) at the University of Oxford. Since 2015 I’ve been a senior researcher in the Dept of Psychiatry, working on the MYRIAD project which has been investigating all aspects of mindfulness in education. I work freelance as part of the teaching, training and mentoring team at Oxford Mindfulness. I regularly teach MBCT-L, Taking it Further, Introducing Mindfulness and Frame by Frame to global classes over Zoom. My particular interest is in MBCT-L and Implementation and I deliver training workshops on this topic. I’m a freelance supervisor for the Mindfulness Network.
I was formally an assistant head teacher and worked in education, at all levels for over 20 years and before that, a management accountant working for AstraZeneca.
“I’m passionate to teach Oxford Mindfulness’ evidenced-based courses to as many people as possible, with a grounded, down to earth approach. I’m also dedicated to bringing on the next generation of mindfulness teachers, supporting them and bringing out their very best in the hope that this will be of benefit both to them and to any future participants in their classes.“

Liz Lord
Master’s Tutor, Researcher, Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor