I’m a clinical psychologist and a mindfulness researcher, teacher, trainer, supervisor, and practitioner. Before moving to Oxford in 2019, I was a Professor of Psychology at the University of Kentucky, where I conducted research on mindfulness and taught and supervised several mindfulness-based programmes in a doctoral programme in clinical psychology. My scholarly interests include conceptualisation and assessment of mindfulness, effects of mindfulness-based programmes, mechanisms of change, and harm and adverse events in mindfulness practice. I’m also very much interested in professional training and ethics in the mindfulness field.
I’m the Director of the Master of Studies in MBCT, a University of Oxford degree programme managed jointly by the Departments of Psychiatry and Continuing Education. I very much enjoy working with post-graduate students and getting to know them over the two-year course. I also contribute to the 12-month teacher training pathway by training cohorts and providing workshops. I teach mindfulness courses, supervise mindfulness teachers, and collaborate on research papers with colleagues at the University.
“Oxford Mindfulness an international leader in mindfulness research, teaching, and training, and is at the forefront of discussions that are critical to the development of the field.“

Ruth Baer
Teacher and Trainer