Working with Chair of the Board of Trustees, I take joint responsibility for strategic leadership.
I’m a business person who has been fortunate enough to find a field where I love to work. Following many years in leadership roles, I’m now a Fellow Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management and hold an Executive Masters in Business (MBA) which focused on workplace sickness, my Health Economics PhD researched the cost-effectiveness of Mindfulness in the Workplace. I feel very blessed to be working in an area where I’m supported in my desire to promote positive mental health in all areas of society, working with mindfulness and mindful behaviours to enable this.
I’m passionate about supportive leadership, building connections and working in a collaborative way to increase impact on a global scale. I work hard to establish a ‘container of care’ around all I do, focusing on accessibility and quality when working here at Oxford Mindfulness.
As the Chief Executive Officer I lead the business planning and operations, ensuring work is aligned to the Charity’s Board approved Business Plan. I work with the leadership team to implement the strategic vision and our portfolio of offerings. I also work closely with the leads in the team to ensure our curriculums are best quality, relevant, updated, financially viable and accessible.
Fellow of the Institute of Leadership
“The sectors where I work and the people I engage with vary enormously but the common thread through it all is the vision of less suffering. Society as a whole is looking for solutions to the complex problems we a facing and the impact the changing world has on our mental health. I am proud to be part of teams that take this seriously and work with passion and drive to improve our lives.“

Sharon Grace Hadley
Chief Executive Officer