I’m a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, CBT Therapist and experienced MBCT Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor. I’ve worked in the NHS in a range of adult mental health services, and also in private practice and university settings.
I contribute to the teaching, training, supervision and mentoring offered at Oxford Mindfulness in a number of ways including facilitating 8 week MBCT Courses for the general public; ongoing practice days; supervision for students on the Masters of Studies in MBCT and mentoring teachers in training, closely supporting trainees as they journey along their learning. I’ve also been part of the ASPIRE research project looking at dissemination of MBCT in the NHS. I run MBCT Courses for patients in Secondary Care Mental Health Services in the NHS and “Finding Peace in a Frantic World” courses for NHS staff.
It’s a great privilege, and very enriching, to be part of such a skilled and supportive network of mindfulness teachers, trainers and researchers disseminating mindfulness and advancing our understanding of it. Through this Network that Oxford Mindfulness builds and supports we all grow and benefit, as individuals and communities. I feel honoured to be playing a part in this work.
“It’s a great privilege, and very enriching, to be part of such a skilled and supportive Network of Mindfulness teachers, trainers and researchers disseminating mindfulness and advancing our understanding of it.“

Susan MacPherson
Teacher and Mentor to Teachers in Training