I’m an accredited CBT therapist and an MBCT teacher and trainer.
I’m the MBCT clinical lead for Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust. This post involves coordinating and delivering training and supervision of MBCT to IAPT and Secondary Care staff, who work with people experiencing a diverse range of health problems. I’ve run MBCT groups in primary care and specialist mental health services since 2008. In addition to running clinical groups I deliver MBCT for staff in local Health Services. In 2016 I completed a PhD with Nottingham University focusing on the role of mindfulness in depression and since then have been actively involved in research. I’m an associate teacher, trainer and supervisor with Oxford Mindfulness. This role includes working as a tutor on the Masters Degree in MBCT and delivering training in the UK and internationally.
“Being an associate of Oxford Mindfulness means being able to work in a friendly and welcoming setting alongside some of the UKs leading teachers, trainers and researchers of MBCT.“

Tim Sweeney