I’m a mindfulness teacher and trainer, an experienced interpreter and a published translator. With a background in literature and philosophy, I also conduct historical research on interpreters in the 19th Century and how they served as bridges for wisdom and understanding between Asia and Europe.
I offer MBCT for Life (MBCT-L) courses to the general public, especially to those working under high pressure. With expertise and experiences in inter-cultural communication, I aim to help people from various cultural backgrounds to connect with each other.
“How does mindfulness support flourishing, along with internal and external challenges?”
我是持证的心理健康急救员(Mental Health First Aid),带领面向一般大众的8周MBCT-L课程,特别关注在高压环境中的职场人士。静观是19世纪东西文化交往结出的美好果实,在现代科学研究的支持下继续生长。在全球化的今日,静观帮助来自不同背景却都脚步匆匆的人们与自己、他人和自然重新建立起友善真挚的连接。
“I aim to help people from various cultural backgrounds to connect with each other.“

Wei Zhao
Teacher and Trainer