The Oxford Mindfulness podcast
Join us as we invite inspiring guests from across the mindfulness field to share their expertise. Stay up-to-date on the latest thinking and research and hear from specialists on a range of topics.
New Year, New Inspiration social evening with Susanne Olbrich
Holding Groups: Exploring the ‘Inside Out Approach’ to Working with Groups with Trish Bartley
Building compassion and inspiration through the simple act of noticing with Nick Hammond
The Practice of Sila: How Mindful Self-Restraint Could Transform the Workplace with Erin Lee
My Year of Living Mindfully (What Happened Next) with Shannon Harvey
Oxford Mindfulness speaks to BBC Radio with Liz Lord
The findings of the MY Resilience In ADolescence (MYRIAD) project – Part 2 with Tim Dalgleish
The findings of the MY Resilience In ADolescence (MYRIAD) project – Part 1 with Tim Dalgleish
Mindfulness and cancer Gently turning towards with Trish Bartley
Agency and connection with Jamie Bristow
Understanding the challenging dynamics of mindfulness practice with Norman Farb
The Fruits of Practice with Dr Sara Lazar
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