Branch training – mindfulness to deeper mindfulness

Branch Training: Deeper Mindfulness – The Feeling Tone Programme: Exploring Mindfulness Frame by Frame

Andy Phee

Liz Lord, Andy Phee

About the course

If you’re a trained mindfulness teacher, our Deeper Mindfulness branch training provides you with a route to develop your teaching and offer the 8-week ‘Deeper Mindfulness: Exploring Feeling Tone Frame-by-Frame’ course to your participants.

Developed by Professor Mark Williams and colleagues, the Deeper Mindfulness course is designed for those who’ve already completed a mindfulness-based programme, such as MBSR or MBCT, and would like to explore mindfulness more deeply.

This 6-session teacher training offers you new insights into ‘Feeling Tone’ which Buddhist traditions see as a fundamental element of every moment of experience and a foundational aspect of mindfulness and its practice.

Through experiencing the key practices and teaching others in small groups with feedback from fellow teachers on the course, you’ll learn to deliver the 6-week deeper Mindfulness programme to your participants.

On completion, you’ll receive ‘Certificate of Attendance’ from Oxford Mindfulness.

What to expect on this course

This teacher training includes the structure and sequence of the course, learning to teach key practices and practicing to teach the key elements in small groups with time for self-reflection and feedback from fellow participants.

It’s a 10-hour programme delivered over 6 x 1.5-2-hour teaching and practice sessions. Sessions are delivered online and in a group format.

On completion, you’ll receive an Oxford Mindfulness ‘Certificate of Attendance’ letter. To receive this, you’ll need to attend and take part in 100% of the training, including breakout rooms.

Please note that during training all cameras are required to be turned on.

Full course dates

Training takes place on Tuesdays, as follows:

  • Session 1: 16 September 2025 13:00-15:00 (13:00 -15:00 UK Time, longer session)
  • Session 2: 23 September 2025 13:00-14:30 (13:00 -14:30 UK Time)
  • Session 3: 30 September 2025 13:00-14:30 (13:00 -14:30 UK Time)
  • Session 4: 07 October 2025 13:00-14:30 (13:00 -14:30 UK Time)
  • Session 5: 14 October 2025 13:00-14:30 (13:00 -14:30 UK Time)
  • Session 6: 21 October 2025 13:00-15:00 (13:00 -15:00 UK Time, longer session)
What you can do after this course

On completion, you’ll be able to teach the Deeper Mindfulness 8-week course to the general population – it is suitable for adults over the age of 18 years old.

You’ll be provided with:

  • Teacher Guidance notes prepared by Mark Williams, for each step of the course
  • Suggested scripts for meditations
  • Handouts for participants
Entry requirements – who can apply for this course?

You can apply for this training if you have:

  • Completed a mindfulness teacher training pathway of at least 12 months for other 8 week courses (MBCT, MBSR, MBCT-L, etc), which meets the Good Practice Guidelines for training pathways, led by a trainer in-person or live online, and not self-guided*.
  • Been assessed as safe to teach under supervision by your training provider and / or be registered as a mindfulness teacher on e.g. BAMBA or another equivalent directory.
  • Completed an 8-week Deeper Mindfulness course as a participant, led by a teacher in-person or live online.
  • An established and regular personal mindfulness practice, ideally for at least a year. Please see the Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses.
  • Knowledge and experience of the adult population and context where you would like to teach. This might include workplace, education, criminal justice, physical or mental healthcare, or general population settings.
  • The ability to speak, write, and understand English to a level where you can fully take part in all parts of the training without the need for extra translation support.
  • Strong internet, the right equipment and the technical skills to join an online training programme via Zoom, with the video always on.
  • A private indoor space where you can take part in the training without being interrupted or overheard by other people.

*Please note: If you’re an experienced specialist mindfulness teacher from a different tradition, working within the Good Practice Guidelines and affiliated with / supported by one of the major internationally recognised mindfulness training centres, please provide full details on your application form.

There’re some places available for specialist mindfulness teachers with access to populations that are not currently well served or have limited access to mindfulness teaching.

Please do not sign up for this training if you’re not fully trained to teach mindfulness, or if your only experience is of attending a course as a participant. In these cases, your application will not be approved, and you may be charged an administration fee when we refund your payment.


Trained teachers


Tue 16 September 2025

13:00 – 15:00 (UK Time)

6 days, Tuesdays

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