Mindfulness & MBCT Resources from Professor Willem Kuyken
This extensive listing of mindfulness and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) resources, curated by Professor Willem Kuyken, is intended to signpost you to books, research articles, websites and other helpful mindfulness resources.

From Page 1:
“I am often asked, “Where do I find the best mindfulness and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) book / website / app?”, “What is some of the most important research?”, “I’d like to learn more about mindfulness / MBCT, but I don’t know where to start.”
This listing is intended to signpost to books, research articles, websites and other mindfulness resources. It is organised into different sections and different sections will be of interest to different groups of people. There is no intention to be definitive nor comprehensive; these are resources I am aware of that I recommend. That being said, in an exponentially growing field, each time I update it, it gets longer.”
It includes:
Books, app, websites and podcasts
To support your learning and development
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion resources
Provides a small sample of some of the innovative and important work in this area
Guidance for finding a MBCT teacher
…and much more!