The OMF provides insight on research, training, and the latest news and information across the field of mindfulness.

Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore wins Royal Society Prize

Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore wins Royal Society Prize

Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, one of the principal investigators on the MYRIAD project, has been awarded the 2018 Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize for Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain.

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The Oxford Mindfulness Centre Summer School 2018

The Oxford Mindfulness Centre Summer School 2018

Photographs from this year's OMC Summer School on the theme of 'Compassion in Action'

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Mindfulness in Everyday Life – Developing a ‘To Be’ List by Liz Lord, MYRIAD School Liaison at the OMC

Mindfulness in Everyday Life – Developing a ‘To Be’ List by Liz Lord, MYRIAD School Liaison at the OMC

Have you thought about trading in your 'to do' list for a 'to be' list?

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Engaging Young People with Brain Development and Mindfulness Research

Engaging Young People with Brain Development and Mindfulness Research

The Oxford Mindfulness Centre is launching an innovative programme of activities to engage young people with research into the teenage brain giving students opportunities to learn about and reflect on brain development and how it influences behaviour, emotions, and thinking

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Impressions from the International Conference on Mindfulness, Amsterdam 2018 by Pilar Puig

Impressions from the International Conference on Mindfulness, Amsterdam 2018 by Pilar Puig

Pilar Puig, who will begin our MSt in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy this autumn, shares her impressions from this year's ICM conference in Amsterdam.

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A Workshop with Jack Kornfield in Oxford by the OMC’s Alice Tickell

A Workshop with Jack Kornfield in Oxford by the OMC’s Alice Tickell

The OMC's Alice Tickell provides a personal perspective on Jack Kornfield's recent workshop in Oxford.

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Masterclasses on Mindfulness in Brazil – in English and Portuguese

Masterclasses on Mindfulness in Brazil – in English and Portuguese

Marcelo Demarzo of the Mente Aberta Centre writes about Masterclasses recently delivered in Brazil as part of their partnership with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.

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Mindfulness for School Teachers: Lessons from Rita, aged 87

Mindfulness for School Teachers: Lessons from Rita, aged 87

'The skills and approach that mindfulness offers helps teachers be more fully ‘present’ in the classroom, not preoccupied with other things but available to their pupils with a greater sense of awareness. We may never fully know what impact this may have on pupils but what greater gift can we give our pupils than to be fully present with them in the classroom?'

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The Oxford Mindfulness Centre in Partnership with Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness

The Oxford Mindfulness Centre in Partnership with Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness

Ser Integral: Portuguese Center for Mindfulness is now providing MBCT training in partnership with the OMC

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Join us for our 2018 Summer School: Compassion in Action

Join us for our 2018 Summer School: Compassion in Action

During five days of inspiring discussion and teaching, you will update your skills and knowledge as well as deepening your mindfulness practice. Join us for our fourth annual Summer School on the theme of Compassion in Action and forge new connections with like-minded people from all over the world.

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