Jake Dartington

Retreat Leader

I am a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Approaches and Insight Meditation. I started to practice meditation in 1995 and trained with Christina Feldman at Gaia House, before starting to lead retreats in 2007. I have masters degrees in Buddhist Studies, Philosophy and Teaching Mindfulness-Based Approaches, and...

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Tim Sweeney


I am an accredited CBT therapist and an MBCT teacher and trainer. I am the MBCT clinical lead for Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust. This post involves coordinating and delivering training and supervision of MBCT to IAPT and Secondary Care staff, who work with people experiencing a diverse range...

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Susan MacPherson

Teacher and Mentor to Teachers in Training

I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, CBT Therapist and experienced MBCT Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor. I have worked in the NHS in a range of adult mental health services, and also in private practice and university settings. I contribute to the teaching, training, supervision and mentoring...

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Ee Lin Ong

Teacher and Trainer

I am curious human being going through the cycles of life who has had the choice and blessings of encountering psychology, mindfulness and depths of ancient wisdom. I delight in bringing together the strengths to meet needs and contribute to touching into wellbeing within each one of us. What do I...

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Marion Furr

Co-Director Teaching & Training. Teacher, Trainer & Supervisor

I am professionally qualified as an Occupational Psychologist and until 2016, was Director of Ministerial Business and Parliamentary Accountability at the UK Department of Health (DH) and Chair of the DH Staff Health and Wellbeing programme. After training to teach MBSR/MBCT at Bangor University and Oxford...

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Peter Yiangou

Trustee - Chairman of the Board and Teacher

As chair of the board of trustees, I work closely with the CEO and fellow board members to provide strategic leadership for the OMF. The pandemic brought with it a significant increase in our operations worldwide and the need to manage growth and structural changes in the organisation while ensuring good governance and sound...

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Chris Cullen

Teacher, Trainer and Retreat Advisor

  I work part-time as an MBCT teacher and trainer for the OMF. I also teach Insight Meditation retreats in the UK, US and mainland Europe, and have a psychotherapy practice in Oxford. For the University of Oxford Mindfulness Masters Programme, I teach the Buddhist...

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