Geetika Arora Bhojak


I am a workplace health and well-being professional, with over 20 years of experience working with corporates across the world. I am a thought leader in the space of well-being and have facilitated Mindfulness programs for clients in the UK, US and APAC region. ...

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Linn Brynildsen


As a psychologist and mindfulness teacher, I am passionate about supporting people in finding ways to live with more ease and to flourish. Practising mindfulness offers real and lasting change that enables us to rebalance and navigate our lives towards a greater sense of well-being. It can resource us to feel...

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Ally Burton

Chief Operating Officer

I am professionally experienced and qualified in finance and in education. I trained to teach MBSR/MBCT at Bangor University alongside obtaining a MSc in Mindfulness-Based Approaches. I am additionally trained to teach the .B Foundations, MBCT-L and Introducing Mindfulness curricula. I...

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Angie Chew


A/Prof Angie Chew founded the mental health charity, Brahm Centre, and has been teaching MBCT and MBSR since 2020 and 2016 respectively. She is the leading mindfulness teacher in Singapore and has been teaching extensively in the healthcare, education and public service sectors to over 30,000 people. She also...

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Debbie Clarke

Teacher and Trainer

I have been  an associate trainer with the OMC since 2017. I’m a Consultant Clinical Psychologist  leading a Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Service for NHS and Social Care staff working and living in the Oxford Region.  Over the three decades that I’ve practised as a...

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Jo Cromarty

Teacher and Trainer

I am on Occupational Therapist by training and have worked in various mental health settings within the NHS for many years. Since being a teenager I have developed a meditation practice from within the contemplative tradition. I was first introduced to Mindfulness in 2010 and was privileged to be trained as an...

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Chris Cullen

Teacher, Trainer and Retreat Advisor

  I work part-time as an MBCT teacher and trainer for the OMF. I also teach Insight Meditation retreats in the UK, US and mainland Europe, and have a psychotherapy practice in Oxford. For the University of Oxford Mindfulness Masters Programme, I teach the Buddhist...

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Jake Dartington

Retreat Leader

I am a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Approaches and Insight Meditation. I started to practice meditation in 1995 and trained with Christina Feldman at Gaia House, before starting to lead retreats in 2007. I have masters degrees in Buddhist Studies, Philosophy and Teaching Mindfulness-Based Approaches, and...

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Fabrizio Didonna

Guest Trainer

I am a clinical psychologist, a senior mindfulness teacher, trainer, supervisor and author – and have been involved in mindfulness since the end of 90s and the beginning of MBCT. I am an Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychology at the School of Medicine,...

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