Sheila Gill

Teacher and Mentor

I am an associate teacher with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) and on the UK register of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT teachers).  I completed the master’s degree in MBCT at Oxford University in 2014. I worked as a psychological therapist for over twenty years in an NHS primary care context...

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Sharon Hadley, Ph.D

Chief Executive Officer

Working with Chair of the Board of Trustees, I take joint responsibility for strategic leadership. I am a business person who has been fortunate enough to find a field where I love to work.  Following many years in leadership roles, I am now a Fellow...

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Robert Hawkes

Mentor for Teachers in Training

Firstly, my ‘core profession’ is a occupational therapist; a wonderful role enabling the individual to return to ‘function’ after a period of illness, disease or injury. A major feature of OT is helping a person to find and maintain ‘balance’ within life. As an experienced occupational therapist I...

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Stephen Herrmann

Trustee - Communications

My background is in the news media, where I have worked as a journalist, editor and senior manager, in the UK and internationally, over the course of several decades. I was the Editor of the BBC’s online news operation for ten years between 2006 and 2016, overseeing its journalism during a period of rapid growth and change in response to new...

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Debbie Hu

Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor - Chinese Programmes

I am the Chief of the Psychiatric Department at the Tainan Municipal Hospital in Taiwan. I specialise in child and adolescent psychiatry and psycho-oncology. I am also a university lecturer. My interest in mindfulness began in 2012 when I started...

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Alex Irving


I hold a Masters degree in Teaching Mindfulness Based Approaches from Bangor University and am registered to teach with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches. In addition to my mindfulness training I have a background in Osteopathy with a Masters Degree in Pain Science. What do...

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Marie Johansson

Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor

I am a qualified Social Worker, graduating from University of Umea, Sweden in 1979, when I moved to the UK. In 2006, I met Professor Mark Williams and began my training as an MBCT Teacher. I was then invited to join Mark’s team and became involved in developing the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC). I worked initially as part...

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Gill Johnson


I am a mindfulness teacher with a special interest in what encourages and supports people to continue with formal and informal mindfulness practice after the 8-week course.  My master’s thesis for the MA in Mindfulness-Based Approaches at Bangor University addressed the potential of interest as a skilful...

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Gillian Kazandjian

Marketing and Communications Officer

I’m a marketing communications professional and a mindfulness teacher with a particular interest in mindfulness, self-compassion and Motherhood. I spent 15 years in full-service advertising and communications agencies in client service roles, working across all forms of media...

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