Per Norrgren


Until 2009, I was an IT executive managing services and delivery of large projects around Europe. However, the stress of the role led me to MBCT and I discovered for myself the huge benefits of mindfulness to transform my life both personally and professionally. After training to teach MBSR and MBCT in...

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Ee Lin Ong

Teacher and Trainer

I am curious human being going through the cycles of life who has had the choice and blessings of encountering psychology, mindfulness and depths of ancient wisdom. I delight in bringing together the strengths to meet needs and contribute to touching into wellbeing within each one of us. What do I...

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Jun Pang

Trainer - Chinese Programmes

Jun Pang is a psychological counselor and social worker in Guangzhou China. He is a certified MBCT teacher of the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, and trained in Mindfulness-Based Supervision through the...

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Susan Peacock


I’m a Chartered Coaching Psychologist registered with the BPS and HCPC and Mindfulness MBSR trainer.  Mindfulness has had a powerful influence on my life whether working with individuals or teams in public or private sector organisations or while I’m rowing on the Thames near our home in...

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Andy Phee

Teacher and Trainer

I am a mindfulness teacher, trainer and supervisor and a Registered Mental Health Nurse with a background in community mental health nursing. I am interested in widening the provision of MBCT and mindfulness-based approaches to people who experience barriers in accessing groups.  ...

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Pilar Puig

Teacher and Trainer

I am a mindfulness teacher based in Barcelona, Spain. I graduated from the Masters in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) at the University of Oxford in 2020. My struggles with my own nervous system led me to explore the emerging field of trauma-sensitive mindfulness, which has become an area of special interest....

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Thais Requito

Teacher and Trainer

Prior to becoming a mindfulness teacher, I enjoyed a successful career as an executive in multi-national organisations for over 15 years. The challenges of those fast-paced and high-pressure environments led me to practise mindfulness and discover its benefits both personally and professionally. Willing to...

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Jaya Rudgard

Retreat Leader

  Jaya (Karen) Rudgard began meditating in 1984, and from 1996 to 2005 was ordained as a nun in the Thai forest tradition in England at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery. She subsequently trained as an Insight Meditation teacher in the USA with Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein and has led meditation retreats and...

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Leonie Schell

Trustee, Teacher, Trainer, Supervisor and Consultant to the OMF

I’m a mindfulness teacher, trainer and supervisor. In my role as consultant to the OMF, I have supported the development of the OMF’s international collaborations and implementation of training pathway changes. ...

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